
Your chaos is very ancient


yeah i saw
you are a very creative person
ha ha
im a very vague person
une vogue
well you are what you are
vague creativity
a set of movements and a shriek like a happy dolphin
dolphins into the future
push them into the future
where they come from
they belong in the future
felt one jumping over my head
they are far to stream lines
the other other day
for these times
dolphin therapy?
doin it doin it doin it right
i wanted that the other day in an elevator but my class mate pointed out to me that dolphins rape each other a lot, so then i reconsidered, and reconsidered again. i still belive in dolphin therapy even though penguins seems like good swimming companions too even though they are clearly into prostitution. penguin girls sell themselves for the most shiny rocks (according to something...where do i have this info from? really)